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KTUG :: 마당자유글 › TeX Live 2018 출시 일정이 나왔네요.

Dennis | 2018.03.10 12:42:11 | Skip to menu Write

TeX Live 2017을 업데이트하다 frozen forever가 된 걸 보고 TUG에서 TeX Live 2018 출시 일정을 확인해 보았습니다.

Plan for TeX Live 2018: 
19feb: sources committed, builds begin. 
5mar: tlnet (and TL'17) frozen, tlpretest starts, CTAN updates continue there. 
2apr: code freeze for final build, major bug fixes only. 
9apr: final updates from CTAN, final doc tweaks. 
16apr: deliver TL image for TeX Collection packaging/testing. 
23apr: deliver TeX Collection DVD image for manufacturing. 
30apr: public release (also of MacTeX). 
June?: delive.ry of DVDs to members.

4월 말이면 새로운 TeX Live를 만나볼 수 있겠네요.

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