KTUG 한국 텍 사용자 그룹


KTUG :: Q&A 마당 › Beamer 사용시 texify, pdftexify가 안됩니다.

여정호 | 2011.07.04 11:01:33 | 메뉴 건너뛰기 쓰기


MikTeX 2.7 + WinEdt 를 사용하다가,

포맷을 하여서, MikTeX 2.9 + WinEdt로 바꾸었습니다.


발표하기 위해 beamer로 만들었던 자료가 이전 2.7을 사용할 때 잘 컴파일이 되었었는데요,

2.9로 바꾸고 나니 pdfTeXify가 잘 안됩니다.


에러메세지는 -Run.log 파일에 다음과 같이 뜨더라구요.

인터넷을 아무리 뒤져도 잘 답변이 안보여서 질문을 올립니다~




------ 에러 메세지 -------

Output captured by WinEdt on 월요일, 7월 4, 2011 at 10:57

WinEdt has successfully executed MiKTeX BibTeX accessory.

If BibTeX encountered and reported errors the resulting bbl file
may not appear properly displayed or in some cases may not be
created at all. For your convenience WinEdt captured output and
error files produced by the BibTeX accessory.

If there are problems (eg. if WinEdt displayed this file) read
this output carefully, fix any offending errors in your documents
and recompile your sources. If you are having troubles locating
and fixing errors please consult the extensive documentation
pertaining to BibTeX in MiKTeX Doc folder.

  Hint: WinEdt is almost certainly irrelevant to this situation!

No errors were reported during the execution of .
*** Error File is empty!

*** WinEdt captured the following console output:

This is BibTeX, Version 0.99d (MiKTeX 2.9)
The top-level auxiliary file: ITC_slide_v110620a.aux
I found no \citation commands---while reading file ITC_slide_v110620a.aux
I found no \bibdata command---while reading file ITC_slide_v110620a.aux
I found no \bibstyle command---while reading file ITC_slide_v110620a.aux
(There were 3 error messages)

*** BibTeX produced the following log file "ITC_slide_v110620a.blg":

This is BibTeX, Version 0.99dThe top-level auxiliary file: ITC_slide_v110620a.aux
I found no \citation commands---while reading file ITC_slide_v110620a.aux
I found no \bibdata command---while reading file ITC_slide_v110620a.aux
I found no \bibstyle command---while reading file ITC_slide_v110620a.aux
(There were 3 error messages)


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KTUG 한국 텍 사용자 그룹