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이걸 해봤는데 잘 안되어서 검색으로도 해봤지만 못찾고있습니다.... 아이구...


PS C:\Users\bean\Documents\latex> texdoc pgreenbook

Sorry, no documentation found for "pgreenbook".
If you are unsure about the name, try full-text searching on CTAN.
Search form: <https://www.ctan.org/search/>

PS C:\Users\bean\Documents\latex> texdoc -l pgreenbook

Sorry, no documentation found for "pgreenbook".
If you are unsure about the name, try full-text searching on CTAN.
Search form: <https://www.ctan.org/search/>

PS C:\Users\bean\Documents\latex> tlmgr info pgreenbook

tlmgr pl: cannot find package pgreenbook, searching for other matches:
Packages containing `pgreenbook' in their title/description:
Packages containing files matching `pgreenbook':

KTUG 한국 텍 사용자 그룹