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pdfrender 때문에 루아텍 컴파일했습니다.

루아텍으로 안 하려면 전에 ChoF 님께서 알려주신 \special{pdf:literal... } 명령을 쓰는 것도 가능하리라 봅니다. 


이 분이 저자인 패키지, 엄청 많아요. 




> tlmgr info oberdiek

package:     oberdiek
category:    Package
shortdesc:   A bundle of packages submitted by Heiko Oberdiek

longdesc: The bundle comprises packages to provide: aliascnt: 'alias counters'; 
bmpsize: get bitmap size and resolution data; 
centernot: a horizontally-centred \not symbol; 
chemarr: extensible chemists' reaction arrows; 
classlist: record information about document class(es) used; 
colonequals: poor man's mathematical relation symbols; 
dvipscol: dvips colour stack management; 
engord: define counter-printing operations producing English ordinals; 
eolgrab: collect arguments delimited by end of line; 
flags: setting and clearing flags in bit fields and converting the bit field into a decimal number; 
holtxdoc: extra documentation macros; 
hypbmsec: bookmarks in sectioning commands; 
hypcap: anjusting anchors of captions; 
hypgotoe: experimental package for links to emb edded files; 
hyphsubst: substitute hyphenation patterns; 
ifdraft: switch for option draft; 
iflang: provides expandable checks for the current language; 
pagegrid: prints a page grid in the background; 
pdfcolfoot: using pdfTeX's color stack for footnotes; 
pdfcol: macros for setting and maintaining new color stacks; 
pdfcolparallel: fixes colour problems in package parallel; 
pdfcolparcolumns: fixes colour problems in package parcolumns; 
pdfcrypt: setting PDF encryption; 
pdfrender: control PDF rendering modes; 
protecteddef: define a command that protected against expansion; 
resizegather: automatically resize overly large equations; 
rotchiffre: performs simple rotation cyphers; 
scrindex: redefines environment 'theindex' of package 'index', if a class from KOMA-Script is loaded; 
setouterhbox: set \hbox in outer horizontal mode; 
settobox: getting box sizes; 
stackrel: extensions of the \stackrel command; 
stampinclude: selects the files for \include by inspecting the timestamp of the .aux file(s); 
tabularht: tabulars with height specification; 
tabularkv: key value interface for tabular parameters; 
telprint: print German telephone numbers; 
thepdfnumber: canonical numbers for use in PDF files and elsewhere; 
twoopt: commands with two optional arguments; 

Each of the packages is represented by two files, a .dtx (documented source) and a PDF file; 
the . ins file necessary for installation is extracted by running the .dtx file with Plain TeX.

installed:   Yes
revision:    61066
sizes:       src: 1053k, doc: 13365k, run: 421k
relocatable: No
cat-license: lppl1.3c
cat-topics:  collection
cat-contact-repository: https://github.com/ho-tex/oberdiek
cat-contact-bugs: https://github.com/ho-tex/oberdiek/issues
collection:  collection-latex

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