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자유글 Texmaker 3.2.2 update

2012.01.16 12:20

에드 조회 수:33006

관심있는 텍 에디터입니다. 업데이트됐네요.



version 3.2.1 -> 3.2.2 :

Bugs fixed : 

- a critical bug about the syntax highlighting has been fixed 

- the bug about the detection of the language for the user manual has been fixed 

- the regression about the highlighting of search results has been fixed 

- the trouble about the syntax highlighting with the \verb* and \begin{verbatim*} commands has been fixed 

Features : 

- the shortcuts of the "Tool" and "Edit" menus can now be modified 

- While using the "New by copying an existing file" command, the directory of the file is now stored 

- the list of asymptote and tikz tags has been completed 

- users can now hide the pstricks/metapost/tikz/asymptote icons in the structure panels by clicking on the tool bar 

- users can now hide some commands in the left tool bar of the editor 

- the "underline" tag is replaced by the "emphasis" tag in the left toolbar of the editor 

- if errors are detected, the log file is now displayed even if the "quick build" command is not used 

- after setting a document as "master", the structure and the bibliography are rescanned

이글은 "에드"님께서 작성하신 글이나, 잘 못 붙어들어온 tag를 수정중, 작성자가 "관리자"로 변경되었습니다.

번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
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