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정보글 문자열의 삽입정렬

2012.10.08 16:51

karnes 조회 수:5174 추천:1

문자열 정렬에 대해서는 DohyunKim 님의 http://www.ktug.or.kr/xe/index.php?document_srl=33728 이 있다.

다음 소스는 xfor 패키지에서 가져온 것으로 원래 숫자에 대해서만 삽입정렬하게 한 것인데 윗글의 \pdfstrcmp를 이용하여 문자열 정렬을 시도해보았다.

정렬 방식은 삽입정렬(insertion sort)





\def\nlst{}% new list initially empty


% store new list in \toks@


% test current value against new value

%%%\ifnum\n>#1\relax %%%


% new value needs to be inserted before current value


% end for loop at the end of this iteration





% append new stuff to new list







% check to see if for loop was prematurely terminated


% loop may have been terminated during final iteration, in

% which case \@forremainder is empty.


% do nothing


% loop prematurely ended, append remainder of original list

% to new list





% wasn't prematurely terminated, so new value hasn't been added

% so add now.


























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