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    • 최소 예제는 "Minimal working example"을 읽어 보세요.
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    • 편집기에서 [enter]를 누르면 <p> 태그가 들어가고, 문단으로 생각하고 한 줄을 비웁니다.
    • 글줄만 바꾸려면 [shift-enter]를 누르면 <BR> 태그가 들어가므로 용도에 맞게 나누어 쓸 수 있습니다.
    • 수식를 문서내에 삽입하시려면 에디터를 툴바에서 [소스]를 눌러 HTML로 입력할 수 있게 바꾸신 후 <pre> </pre> tag를 사용하셔서 <pre> 여러 줄의 수식 </pre>처럼 입력하시면 좋습니다.

TeXLive 2023 + WSL 2 설치에서 사설저장소 설정에 조금 어려움을 겪고 있습니다. 일단 저장소 추가는 했는데요,

dennis@DENNIS-ZENBOOK:~$ sudo tlmgr repository

List of repositories (with tags if set):

        https://mirror.ischo.org/KTUG/texlive/tlnet (ktug)

        https://lab.uklee쩜pe쩜kr/tex-archive/systems/texlive/tlnet (main)

dennis@DENNIS-ZENBOOK:~$ sudo tlmgr pinning add ktug

tlmgr (TLPDB): pinning warning: the package pattern missfont.log on the line:


  does not match any package

tlmgr (TLPDB): pinning warning: the package pattern missfont.log on the line:


  does not match any package

tlmgr (TLPDB): pinning warning: the package pattern missfont.log on the line:


  does not match any package

tlmgr (TLPDB): pinning warning: the package pattern missfont.log on the line:


  does not match any package

tlmgr (TLPDB): pinning warning: the package pattern missfont.log on the line:


  does not match any package

tlmgr (TLPDB): pinning warning: the package pattern missfont.log on the line:


  does not match any package

tlmgr (TLPDB): pinning warning: the package pattern missfont.log on the line:


  does not match any package

tlmgr (TLPDB): pinning warning: the package pattern test.aux on the line:


  does not match any package

tlmgr (TLPDB): pinning warning: the package pattern test.log on the line:


  does not match any package

tlmgr (TLPDB): pinning warning: the package pattern test.out on the line:


  does not match any package

tlmgr (TLPDB): pinning warning: the package pattern test.synctex.gz on the line:


  does not match any package

tlmgr (TLPDB): pinning warning: the package pattern test.pdf on the line:


  does not match any package

tlmgr (TLPDB): pinning warning: the package pattern test.tex on the line:


  does not match any package

tlmgr: package repositories

        main = https://lab.ukleel쩜pe쩜kr/tex-archive/systems/texlive/tlnet (verified)

        ktug = https://mirror.ischo.org/KTUG/texlive/tlnet (not verified: pubkey missing)

For more about verification, see https://texlive쩜info/verification.html.

tlmgr: need at least two arguments to pinning add

tlmgr: An error has occurred. See above messages. Exiting.

이렇게 에러가 뜨면서 pinning이 안 됩니다. 어떻게 하면 좋을까요...?

번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
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