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자유글 인터넷 기반 TeX 문서 작성/공동작업: authorea

2015.05.29 10:56

커꿈 조회 수:29448

오늘 메일이 왔는데, 인터넷 기반으로 TeX 문서 작업을 하고 공동작업도 할 수 있는 시스템을 무료로 개방한다는 내용이었습니다. 잠깐 둘러봤는데, TeX으로 공동작업을 하는 경우 "구글문서"처럼 동시에 공동작업도 할 수 있는 등 편리해 보이기는 합니다. 아래에 사이트와 이메일 내용을 첨부합니다.


My name is Alberto Pepe and I'm an Associate Research Scientist at Harvard.

Two years ago my colleagues and I posed a challenge: can we build a better word processor for LaTeX? LaTeX is still the best way to write science. But LaTeX requires lots of manual work like managing co-author contributions and references. And although LaTeX is powerful, it's not beginner-friendly.

So last year we launched an online open publishing platform, Authorea (https://www.authorea.컴), to solve these problems.

I'm writing to invite you to sign up and use Authorea (https://www.authorea.컴/signup), because it will help streamline your writing. You can use it forever for free. If you find Authorea useful, please support the project: invite your colleagues, send us feedback, or buy a subscription so that we can continue to develop it.

Our coolest feature is "cite": with one click Authorea automatically finds, inserts and formats a full citation from PubMed or CrossRef. For journal submission, with a single click you can pick from 87 publisher/journal styles, and Authorea will format and export your whole document in that style. Multiple authors can edit and comment on the same document at once: the largest collaboration on Authorea has over 400 co-authors from CERN.

Authorea is also beginner-friendly with quick-start templates and a growing help section. And if you're a power user, we've got some examples of power LaTeX on Authorea.

Authorea is by scientists, for scientists. Today over 34,000 researchers and students use Authorea daily to take research and lecture notes, prepare manuscripts together and format and submit them to journals. Authorea is an open science project: we're committed to improving the way scientists collaborate, write, share and discuss their research.

Thank you for your support!

번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
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