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    • 최소 예제는 "Minimal working example"을 읽어 보세요.
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APPENDIX에 그림을 넣는 과정에 첫 그림은 잘 들어가는데 다음 그림부터 이상해집니다...

\chapter{Building Digital Skills Programs Overview}
Latin Code Week is an educational program across Latin America that aims to train future generations, 
so that they become key players in the economic and social development of Latin America. 
Venezuela emerged as the winner of Latin Code Week with more than 42,000 votes casted online for the winning team. 
In 2018, the program impacted 3,000 students lives in ten countries, through the help of more than 200 volunteer mentors.
Africa Code Week is instilling digital literacy and coding skills in the young generation across African countries. 
This program works closely with private, public and non-profit partners to drive sustainable learning impact across Africa. In 2018, 
Africa Code Week took place in 37 African countries reaching 2.3 million youth. 
The initiative trained 23,000 trainers who will take the knowledge they've learned and continue spreading 21st-century skills across Africa.
\section{CODE UNATI}
Code Unnati is a corporate-to-citizen, digital literacy and IT skills development initiative aimed at fostering digital inclusion in India. 
Launched in June 2017, Code Unnati integrates the Digital Literacy curriculum within primary to higher secondary curriculum and 
imparts skills in next-gen technologies among the youth enabling employment opportunities. 
Code Unnati reached 414,486 students and teachers in 2018.
\section{MEET AND CODE}
Meet and Code introduces European children and young people between the ages of 8 and 24 to the world of technology 
and coding. Events are organized by local non-profits across Europe, with overall program support and partnership provided 
by Haus des Stiftens gGmbH (HDS) and TechSoup Europe. 
By exploring a broad range of technology and digital topics and creative coding, 
participants are encouraged to develop the digital skills they need in today’s world. 
In 2018, 52,000 young people participated in over 1,100 workshops in 22 countries.





번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
공지 Minimal Working Example을 첨부해주세요 [4] nanim 2015.06.23 230489
2826 제목 각주와 저자 각주 번호와 순서 질문입니다 [4] 레쓰비 2015.11.29 30739
2825 XeLaTeX + kotex 사용시 missing \begin{document} 에러 [3] nullstein 2012.01.16 30212
2824 줄바꿈 안하는 enumerate 환경이 가능할까요? [3] Dennis 2011.01.07 30119
2823 물결표 모양 문제입니다.. [6] file ym 2011.08.11 29919
2822 참고문헌을 문서 중간에 위치시키기 [1] elquin 2012.09.20 29795
2821 그림(figure)을 넣는 주제와 관련하여서 [4] 조군 2011.01.08 29687
2820 Mac 에 폰트 설치해서 LaTeX에서 사용하기 [13] aeronova 2011.03.17 29567
2819 enumitem 패키지의 nextline 스타일 버그 [2] file Dennis 2011.01.09 29496
2818 texlive에 설치한 라이브러리 vim에서 이용 [1] tackg_o187 2019.08.23 29466
2817 한글이 깨졌어요~ [3] fortunate7 2012.05.02 29331
2816 table error 뜨네요 ㅠ [4] file 질문! 2012.09.22 29149
2815 winedt에서 figure불러오기 질문이요~ [1] hjin 2011.02.21 29007
2814 [수식전개] 0이 되는 항을 사선을 겹쳐 그어서 0이 됨을 표시하는 방법? [2] 공대생 2011.10.09 28786
2813 tabular 명령어에서 대각선은 어떻게 그려야 하나요 [1] maclaurin 2012.01.25 28697
2812 xelatex에서 \color와 줄바꿈 정렬 [6] file ko.TeX 사용자 2015.06.16 27500
2811 hyperref 와 underscore 패키지 사용시 [1] file aos 2013.02.20 27001
2810 [oZ??님] TeX Live 2013 과 xelatex 한글 문제 관련 [3] ischo 2013.09.06 26921
2809 Windows 에서 TeXLive 2013 + koTeX 설치 [1] 궁금이 2013.08.31 26629
2808 WinEdt 7, highlighting 문제 [3] file Ellipse 2013.02.13 26345
2807 MikTex 2.8 에서 수학기호 사용 방법에 관한여.. [2] file sjg524 2011.02.09 25975

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