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    • 최소 예제는 "Minimal working example"을 읽어 보세요.
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APPENDIX에 그림을 넣는 과정에 첫 그림은 잘 들어가는데 다음 그림부터 이상해집니다...

\chapter{Building Digital Skills Programs Overview}
Latin Code Week is an educational program across Latin America that aims to train future generations, 
so that they become key players in the economic and social development of Latin America. 
Venezuela emerged as the winner of Latin Code Week with more than 42,000 votes casted online for the winning team. 
In 2018, the program impacted 3,000 students lives in ten countries, through the help of more than 200 volunteer mentors.
Africa Code Week is instilling digital literacy and coding skills in the young generation across African countries. 
This program works closely with private, public and non-profit partners to drive sustainable learning impact across Africa. In 2018, 
Africa Code Week took place in 37 African countries reaching 2.3 million youth. 
The initiative trained 23,000 trainers who will take the knowledge they've learned and continue spreading 21st-century skills across Africa.
\section{CODE UNATI}
Code Unnati is a corporate-to-citizen, digital literacy and IT skills development initiative aimed at fostering digital inclusion in India. 
Launched in June 2017, Code Unnati integrates the Digital Literacy curriculum within primary to higher secondary curriculum and 
imparts skills in next-gen technologies among the youth enabling employment opportunities. 
Code Unnati reached 414,486 students and teachers in 2018.
\section{MEET AND CODE}
Meet and Code introduces European children and young people between the ages of 8 and 24 to the world of technology 
and coding. Events are organized by local non-profits across Europe, with overall program support and partnership provided 
by Haus des Stiftens gGmbH (HDS) and TechSoup Europe. 
By exploring a broad range of technology and digital topics and creative coding, 
participants are encouraged to develop the digital skills they need in today’s world. 
In 2018, 52,000 young people participated in over 1,100 workshops in 22 countries.





번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
공지 Minimal Working Example을 첨부해주세요 [4] nanim 2015.06.23 230492
2286 캡선이 자기 마음대로 중앙에 위치합니다. [3] file physicist91 2016.10.22 1357
2285 M's TeX Helper 2가 설치가 안되시는분들은 참고요~ [1] 김종열 2016.12.03 1357
2284 miktex 은글꼴 에러 [1] 한글어려워 2016.12.31 1357
2283 \singlespacing에 단락 바꾸기가 삽입되는 문제 [5] 이기문 2017.11.23 1357
2282 도대체 시작 부터 안되는데요... 도저히 모르겠습니다... [5] file 나나난 2018.05.22 1357
2281 조판 시 여백에 관한 질문입니다. [2] tree215 2014.11.29 1358
2280 align 식 간격 [2] file 하늘연 2015.02.22 1358
2279 아래첨자 [2] 박준행 2015.03.16 1358
2278 caption 옵션 [2] 파도 2015.04.25 1358
2277 TexLive 풀버전 다운 받을 수 있을까요? [1] 회사원 2015.08.25 1358
2276 무시되는 수직 간격 [2] file yihoze 2015.10.02 1358
2275 조판이 안되는 문제. [4] file D.S 2016.02.01 1358
2274 이름이나 페이지를 쓰지 않고 상호참조만 걸 수 있는 방법이 있을까요? [2] Dennis 2016.03.02 1358
2273 \normalfont\selectfont [2] 숨겨진하수 2016.05.14 1358
2272 TL2016 pretest 사용 중, ktug 사설 저장소 작동문제 [3] file Progress 2016.05.26 1358
2271 TeXShop에서 luatex 컴파일할 때 권한(?) 문제 [6] file Progress 2016.09.10 1358
2270 Texlive2017 설치오류 in linux [3] file 룰루랄라 2017.09.12 1358
2269 trim이 안나오는 경우 [2] file 판돌이 2021.02.21 1358
2268 완전초보입니다 [2] file ㅇㅇㅇㅇㅇ 2014.09.30 1359
2267 texlive 2015.. 오늘 업뎃(밤 9:30분경)후 에러 메세지 [8] 데이 2015.07.10 1359

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