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사설저장소 관련...

2021.09.05 00:12

판돌이 조회 수:1124

이런 메시지가 떴습니다. tlmgr은 있는 것 같은데 뭐가 잘못된 것일까요?


C:\Windows\SysWOW64>tlmgr install arara-rules-ko graphicsonthefly hangulfontset
hanjacnt hcr-lvt hnja2hngl ifpxltex jiwonlipsum ko-blacklist kocircnum kotex-euc
kotex-midkor kotex-sections ksbaduk ksforloop ksmisc kswrapfig nanumbaruntype1
nanumttf ob-chapstyles readhanja unfonts-base-type1 unfonts-other-type1 texworks
-config ktugbin ksruby

tlmgr dot pl: package repository https://ftp.harukasan.org/CTAN/systems/texlive/tlnet (not verified: gpg unavailable)
tlmgr dot pl install: package arara-rules-ko not present in repository.
tlmgr dot pl install: package graphicsonthefly not present in repository.
tlmgr dot pl install: package hangulfontset not present in repository.
tlmgr dot pl install: package hanjacnt not present in repository.
tlmgr dot pl install: package hcr-lvt not present in repository.
tlmgr dot pl install: package hnja2hngl not present in repository.
tlmgr dot pl install: package ifpxltex not present in repository.
tlmgr dot pl install: package jiwonlipsum not present in repository.
tlmgr dot pl install: package ko-blacklist not present in repository.
tlmgr dot pl install: package kocircnum not present in repository.
tlmgr dot pl install: package kotex-euc not present in repository.
tlmgr dot pl install: package kotex-midkor not present in repository.
tlmgr dot pl install: package kotex-sections not present in repository.
tlmgr dot pl install: package ksbaduk not present in repository.
tlmgr dot pl install: package ksforloop not present in repository.
tlmgr dot pl install: package ksmisc not present in repository.
tlmgr dot pl install: package ksruby not present in repository.
tlmgr dot pl install: package kswrapfig not present in repository.
tlmgr dot pl install: package ktugbin not present in repository.
tlmgr dot pl install: package nanumbaruntype1 not present in repository.
tlmgr dot pl install: package nanumttf not present in repository.
tlmgr dot pl install: package ob-chapstyles not present in repository.
tlmgr dot pl install: package readhanja not present in repository.
tlmgr dot pl install: package texworks-config not present in repository.
tlmgr dot pl install: package unfonts-base-type1 not present in repository.
tlmgr dot pl install: package unfonts-other-type1 not present in repository.
tlmgr dot pl: action install returned an error; continuing.
tlmgr dot pl: An error has occurred. See above messages. Exiting.
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