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\therefore는 아닌 ⁂ 찍기
2023.01.07 13:48
⁂를 본문에 찍어야 할 상황이 되었는데요.
[X]로만 나오네요...
찾아보니 아래와 같은 해결책도 있긴 합니다만...
$$ \therefore x=\pm 3$$
번거롭기도 하고 ⁂와 \therefore는 좀 다르기도 해서요.
댓글 2
2023.01.07 16:23
2023.01.07 16:26
\documentclass{article} \tracinglostchars=3 % Make it an error if a glyph is missing. \usepackage[default]{fontsetup} % Load unicode-math and New Computer Modern \newfontfamily\symbolfont{DejaVu Serif}[Scale=MatchUppercase] \newcommand\texttwostars{{\symbolfont\symbol{"2051}}} % ⁑ \newcommand\textthreestars{{\symbolfont\symbol{"2042}}} % ⁂ \newcommand\textdoublequestion{{\symbolfont\symbol{"2047}}} % ⁇ \newcommand{\stars}[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax\or\textasteriskcentered\or\texttwostars\or\textthreestars \else\textdoublequestion\fi} \begin{document} \begin{gather} p+q=w \\ a+b=c \label{eq:1} \tag{\stars{1}} \\ x=y \label{eq:2} \tag{\stars{2}} \\ x=y \label{eq:3} \tag{\stars{3}} \end{gather} \end{document}
\newcommand{\stars}{}% just for safety
\else ??\fi
p+q=w \\
a+b=c \label{eq:1} \tag{\stars{1}} \\
x=y \label{eq:2} \tag{\stars{2}} \\
x=y \label{eq:3} \tag{\stars{3}} \\
x=y \label{eq:4} \tag{\stars{4}}
Text \eqref{eq:1} and \eqref{eq:2} and \eqref{eq:3} and \eqref{eq:4}