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  • 개인적으로 사용하신 글꼴이 들어 있는 경우, preparefont.sty에 관한 답변을 참조하세요.
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  • MathJax를 이용한 수식조판을 사용하실 수 있습니다. 여기를 참조하세요.
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Mendeley가 뭔가 싶어, mendeley.com 사이트에 들어가서 "latex"으로 검색해 봤습니다. 그 다음에 어찌 해야 하나 방황하다가 책 하나 찍어서 라이브러리에 넣었습니다. 그걸 bib 파일로 내려받을 수 있더군요. 이 간단한 시도에 참고문헌 자료를 무상으로 이용할 수 있는 것으로 보이지만, Mendeley도 사업체니까 분명 무슨 수익 사업을 할 텐데, 그게 뭘지 쬐끔 궁금합니다. 

   abstract = {The LaTeX command typesets a file of text using the TeX program and the LaTeX Macro package for TeX. To be more specific, it processes an input file containing the text of a document with interspersed commands that describe how the text should be formatted. It produces at least three files as output: 1. A ``Device Independent'', or `.dvi' file. This contains commands that can be translated into commands for a variety of output devices. You can view the output of LaTeX by using a program such as xdvi, which actually uses the `.dvi' file. 2. A ``transcript'' or `.log' file that contains summary information and diagnostic messages for any errors discovered in the input file. 3. An ``auxiliary'' or `.aux' file. This is used by LaTeX itself, for things such as sectioning. For a description of what goes on inside TeX, you should consult The TeXbook by Donald E. Knuth, ISBN 0-201-13448-9, published jointly by the American Mathematical Society and Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. For a description of LaTeX, you should consult: LaTeX: A Document Preparation System, by Leslie Lamport, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 2nd edition, 1994. The LaTeX Companion, by Michel Goossens, Frank Mittelbach, and Alexander Samarin, Addison-Wesley, 1994.},
   author = {Leslie Lamport},
   issue = {December},
   journal = {LaTeX},
   title = {LaTeX2e - The Macro Package for TeX},
   year = {1994},



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