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\hhline{:-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-:} \centering{\textcolor{blue}{Time}}& \centering{\textcolor{blue}{Mon}} & \centering{\textcolor{blue}{Tue}} & \centering{\textcolor{blue}{Wed}} & \centering{\textcolor{blue}{Thu}} & \centering{\textcolor{blue}{Fri}} & \centering{\textcolor{blue}{Sat}} & Sun \\ \hhline{:=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=:}

\centering{-1\\(07:00$\sim$ \\07:50)} & & & & & & & \\


\centering{0\\(08:00$\sim$ \\08:50)} & & & & & & & \\


\centering{1\\(09:00$\sim$ \\09:50)} & & & & & & & \\


\centering{2\\(10:00$\sim$ \\10:50)} & & \centering{YCA1002-02-00 \textcolor{blue}{CHAPEL(2)} MnAud }& \centering{YCC1102-01-00 \textcolor{blue}{COLLEGE ENGLISH \myroman{2}} Chong309 } & & \centering{YCC1102-01-00 \textcolor{blue}{COLLEGE ENGLISH \myroman{2}} Chong309 } & & \\


\centering{3\\(11:00$\sim$ \\11:50)} & & \centering{MAT1012-25-00 \textcolor{blue}{ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS(2)} null } & \centering{PHY1012-08-00 \textcolor{blue}{GENERAL PHYSICS AND EXPERIMENT(2)} PhyLab\textcolor{red}{(Lab)}} & \centering{MAT1012-25-00 \textcolor{blue}{ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS(2)} null } & \centering{PHY1012-08-00 \textcolor{blue}{GENERAL PHYSICS AND EXPERIMENT(2)} null} & & \\


\centering{4\\(12:00$\sim$ \\12:50)} & & \centering{MAT1012-25-00 \textcolor{blue}{ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS(2)} null } & \centering{PHY1012-08-00 \textcolor{blue}{GENERAL PHYSICS AND EXPERIMENT(2)} PhyLab\textcolor{red}{(Lab)}} & \centering{MAT1012-25-00 \textcolor{blue}{ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS(2)} null\textcolor{red}{(Lab)} } & \centering{PHY1012-08-00 \textcolor{blue}{GENERAL PHYSICS AND EXPERIMENT(2)} null} & & \\


\centering{5\\(13:00$\sim$ \\13:50)} & & \centering{ENG1107-12-00 \textcolor{blue}{INTRODUCTION TO ENGINEERING DESIGN} \\ null} & \centering{UCB1103-03-00 \textcolor{blue}{WESTERN CIVILIZATION} \\ SciHB132} & \centering{ENG1107-12-00 \textcolor{blue}{INTRODUCTION TO ENGINEERING DESIGN} \\ null} & \centering{UCB1103-03-00 \textcolor{blue}{WESTERN CIVILIZATION} \\ SciHB132} & & \\


\centering{6\\(14:00$\sim$ \\14:50)} & & \centering{ENG1107-12-00 \textcolor{blue}{INTRODUCTION TO ENGINEERING DESIGN} \\ null} & & & \centering{UCB1103-03-00 \textcolor{blue}{WESTERN CIVILIZATION} \\ SciHB132} & & \\


\centering{7\\(15:00$\sim$ \\15:50)} & & \centering{YCA1102-07-00 \textcolor{blue}{MODERN WORLD AND CHRISTIANITY} \\ SciHB132} & & \centering{CSI2102-01-00 \textcolor{blue}{OBJECT- ORIENTED PROGRAMMING} \\ null} & & & \\


\centering{8\\(16:00$\sim$ \\16:50)} & & \centering{CSI2102-01-00 \textcolor{blue}{OBJECT- ORIENTED PROGRAMMING} \\ null} & & \centering{YCA1102-07-00 \textcolor{blue}{MODERN WORLD AND CHRISTIANITY} \\ SciHB132} & & & \\


\centering{9\\(17:00$\sim$ \\17:50)} & & \centering{CSI2102-01-00 \textcolor{blue}{OBJECT- ORIENTED PROGRAMMING} \\ null} & & \centering{YCA1102-07-00 \textcolor{blue}{MODERN WORLD AND CHRISTIANITY} \\ SciHB132} & & & \\





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